Classical liberal arts education is founded on the belief that education should seek a higher purpose. Success is measured by the type of young men and women we graduate. Respect, temperance, fortitude, and humility are all characteristics of St. Max Kolbe students. Here you will find descriptions of St. Maximilian Kolbe Academy curriculum for grades 1-5.
RELIGION St. Maximilian Kolbe Academy's religion program stresses the development of Catholic values and attitudes focusing on Catholic traditions and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Students receive instruction in the tenants of the faith and are supported and challenged to develop a Catholic value system: actualizing their beliefs and values in their daily lives and service projects. The students leave equipped with the truth of the Gospel to embrace today’s culture. The religion curriculum uses the texts, Spirit of Truth by Sophia Institute. Note: In addition, our students in 1st grade spend time weekly in the Atrium to participate in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
LANGUAGE ARTS - READING - LITERATURE Classical liberal arts education places a strong emphasis on proper and effective use of language in both the spoken and written forms. Reading in grades 1 through 5 is a literature-based program with an emphasis on phonics. Students build strong vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. Students receive regular instruction in, and opportunities for, creative and informative writing. Communication skills of writing, grammar, spelling, speaking, and handwriting are stressed in each grade. Language Arts texts, Shurley Grammar, Writing Our Catholic Faith by Universal Publishing, Phonics and Spelling (grades K-3), Great Books and classical novels (grades 3-5).
MATHEMATICS The study of mathematics instills in our students a sense of wonder and awe at the way in which the world displays order, pattern and relation. The courses stress the fundamentals of math concepts with small group work and individual practice. Texts, Saxon Math (classes are taught one level up – i.e., first grade level is taught in kindergarten).
SCIENCE Our science program nurtures the student's curiosity about the world around them. It creates careful observers that see the beauty around them while coming to an understanding of how things work. We have a full working science lab furnished with research grade equipment that includes a sustainable garden that is cared for by the students. Texts, FOSS (Full Option Science System).
HISTORY History study in classical education begins with the Ancient Greeks and Romans. The focus then turns to the history of Western Civilization. The classes receive instruction in history and geography of the United States and the world. Texts, Catholic Textbook Project
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical education is a very important part of the development of all students. Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade have physical education class once to twice a week. Students are expected to work to develop good attitudes, appropriate skills and an acceptable level of sportsmanship while engaging in physical activities.
ART The study of art at St. Max Kolbe Academy focuses on both art appreciation and rendering in different media. The study of art and the practice of rendering works of art is used to train students to attend to detail, and to study shape and proportion. Students look at art as true beauty. All students receive regular opportunities to work on a wide variety of projects and mediums throughout the year.
MUSIC Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade attend music classes twice a week. The students learn music fundamentals and participate in the Veterans Day program and an Advent Concert. Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade perform a spring program as well. Students in 3rd through 8th grade may join the 'Choir of Angels', our after school choir where they learn various Mass parts for our weekly liturgy as well as prepare and perform special pieces for the Advent program. LEARN MORE Contact us by phone: 763-973-2528 or email: [email protected] to request information or schedule a classroom visit and tour.