BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS Extended Day provides care for St. Max Kolbe Preschool - 8th grade students before or after their regular school day. Parents have the option of utilizing just before school, just after school, or both.
Before school care begins at 7:00am and goes until school starts at 8:00am - when students can go to their classrooms.
After school care begins when the school day ends at 2:30pm and goes until 5:30pm. Afternoon activities include quiet reading/homework time, gym, art, free choice, and outdoor play. Nutritious snacks are provided each day.
Parents drop off and pick up their Kindergarten - 8th grade students using the back parking lot entrance, door 12. For liability purposes, parents MUST sign their children in and out each day. Preschool extended day is in the Preschool classroom.
The Extended Day program begins on the first day of school and runs through the last day of school. We are asking that families commit to a schedule or call the school at least 24 hours in advance so that we can staff the program appropriately.
Extended Day charges will be processed every two weeks. The fee schedule for St. Max Kolbe Extended Day Program is as follows:
Before School (7am - 8am)
$6.00 (Hourly Fee Per K-8 Student)
$7.00 (Hourly Fee for Preschool Students)
After School (2:30pm - 5:30pm)
$6.00 (Hourly Fee Per K-8 Student)
$7.00 (Hourly Fee for Preschool Students)
LEARN MORE Contact us by phone: 763-973-2528 or email: [email protected] to request information or schedule a classroom visit and tour.